Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is not necessarily a holiday on a farm. Today Gordon and two wonderful wwoofers Timo and Nic are out working on mending some fences in the rain. I’ve got a batch of tomato sauce  in the canner and some pickled beets on the go. But holiday or not, we certainly have much to be grateful for.

We are thankful to have had a busy and fruitful farming season. (Despite the smoke and bizarre mid-summer frosts!) The garden produced a plenitude of food, kept us almost 100% out of trouble, and all our animals are thriving and surviving. The season was made manageable and enjoyable with the excellent help from some very cool wwoofers, our fabulous neighbours at Griggs family homestead, and help also from random visitors who decided to stay a while and pitch in. We have been truly blessed.

We are also blessed to be a part of such a welcoming and warm community here in Vanderhoof. There’s some awesome folks around here making great things happen (community garden, farmers’ market, live music concerts, recycling programs, film nights, womens’ group, community theater … etc) and that makes Vanderhoof a wonderful place to live.  

Happy thanksgiving!


New Beef Option

We’ve added a new beef option on our Beef Order Form 2018.

What you may ask is this exciting new option?

Well, you can now order 20 pounds of Felicity Farm’s lean ground beef! Radical!

We find that ground beef – or as some of us call it, “hamburger” – is so handy to have on hand; we thought it’d be a good idea to share that option with our hungry customers.

Find us at the Vanderhoof Farmers’ Market on Thursdays at Ferland Park from 10-2 and also in Prince George on Saturdays at the WS Community Farmers’ Market at the Pine Center mall parking lot from 8:30-2.

Coming to PG tomorrow!

Exciting news:

We’re going to be attending the WS Community Farmers’ Market in Prince George tomorrow! It’s a new one for us, so we’re pretty stoked. We’ve got a truckload of vegetables just picked and washed this morning and a few early flowers and of course our very stylish reusable shopping bags in case folks forget their own.

The details:   8:30am – 2:00pm in the parking lot outside the Pine Center Mall. To check it out on facebook, go to

Happy early Canada Day!

Find us at the Farmers Market!

This week we will be at the Vanderhoof Farmers’ Market!

Come on over to Ferland park on Thursday between 10am and 2pm and find us!  If this heat continues and it’s blasting hot, you can also go for a run through the water-park to cool off.

Some selections we’ll be vending this week are:

  • Bok Choy
  • Cooking onions
  • Spinach
  • Parsley
  • Nifty handmade reusable “Felicity Farm” cloth shopping bags
  • Lettuce heads… and more!

See you there!

The Speckled Band’s New Recruits

Calving season is over and summer grazing season is upon us.  We plan to have our cows calve just when the grass comes on in the spring so that when the wee ones are nursing the cows have the best nutrition possible to produce milk – and the best nutrition comes from fresh lush pasture. This year our timing was excellent. Here’s a picture of one of the heifer calves enjoying the green grass and sunshine.

Gardening has begun!

Now that the garden is mostly in, it’s time to make a post about it! (It sure feels good to have an excuse to sit down and stretch my back.) Here’s a couple goofs planting onions and battling mosquitoes.

We try to do a little bit of everything in the garden here , so we have planted several hundred white onions, a fair number of red onions, a good batch of storage onions, a plethora of our prize-winning giant onions, plenty of green onions, a deluge of leeks, and an ample sampling of two varieties of shallot.

Go team go!

2018 Meat Order Forms

Spring is here! It’s a slow melt this year, but we know that summer is just around the corner… and that means that it is time to order your supply of meat for the year!

We have meat order forms ready for 2018. It is now possible to order your year’s supply of Felicity Farm pastured chicken, grass-fed beef, and pastured pork. The updated order forms are available on our Meat Order Forms page and are also right here:

Chicken Order Form 2018

Pork Order Form 2018

Beef Order Form 2018

We look forwards to chatting with you soon! With any questions please don’t hesitate to email or call Gord or Felicity at 250-300-4433. Cheers!

Handmade Cloth Market Bags!

We’re excited about how our home/handmade reusable cloth market bags are turning out.

Felicity’s mom, Colleen, has been spending her vacation time working through our ‘to-do’ list with us. These cloth bags have been on that list for a while now and the project jives happily with her expansive field of expertise!

Each bag is made of 100% cotton. The side panels and handles are sourced from the illustrious ‘Wilson Remnant Reserves’ making every bag a unique collectable!

We’re looking forward to having them available to our farmer’s market customers this summer.