About Us

Felicity Farm is located on unceded Saik’uz territory close to Vanderhoof BC. On this 152 acres, growing healthy food for our local community is what we love to do. Welcome!

Felicity – noun

  1. happiness; bliss.
  2. good fortune; blessing.
  3. a pleasing aptness; appropriateness; grace.

Felicity Farm is a small, down-home kind of farm. On the farm, we do a little bit of everything in order to be as self-reliant and environmentally sustainable as we can.

In terms of our livestock and pastures, we think of the farm being a “grass farm” and manage it with optimizing the health of the pasture as the priority; we think of the livestock as tools we employ to help us achieve this end.

We farm and garden holistically and organically as a matter of principle and of conviction although we are not certified organic. If folks wish to come out to the farm to certify for themselves we are more than happy to show people around! We have in the past been hosts to young travelers through the program wwoofinternational.org ,and currently host travelling cyclists through the program warmshowers.org . We’re keen for any opportunity to share our passion for farming. (It may also sometimes happen that visitors pull a few weeds during their stay! Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!)